TTT Update

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12 Mai 2020
Ich finde es richtig gut, dass ihr nun von Spielmodus und nicht mehr vom ganzen Netzwerk ausschließt, bei einem Regelverstoß :)
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Reaktionen: scharkie41


1 Feb. 2020
Die Neuerungen und Änderungen wirken textlich eigentlich ziemlich gut auf mich. Ich muss dann noch gucken, wie ich sie im Spiel finde. Es freut mich auch, dass ein paar meiner Item-Vorschläge in gewisser Weise umgesetzt wurden. Etwas, was mich aber persönlich aufregt, sind die Namen der neuen Karten. Warum müssen sie auch alle auf Englisch sein? Konkret finde ich die Namen "BeeHoney" und "Sealife" am blödesten. "BeeHoney" bedeutet übersetzt "BienenHonig". Das Problem dabei ist, dass jeglicher Honig von Bienen ist, was die Erwähnung von "Bee" unnötig macht. Man sagt ja auch nicht "Pferderosshaar" (Vielleicht versteht jemand die Anspielung xD.). Ich kann mich auch noch daran erinnern, dass die Karte ursprünglich einen anderen Namen hatte, den ich besser fand. Jetzt zu "Sealife": In der englischen Sprache ist es im Gegensatz zur deutschen Sprache nicht möglich, unterschiedliche Wörter einfach zu verbinden. Das Wort "Sealife" ist dabei ein Bindewort, welches zwar manchmal verwendet wird, jedoch sprachlich ungeschickt bis falsch ist. Ich rate zu einer Umbenennung in "Sea Life" oder "SeaLife".
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Reaktionen: ninahagen


3 Sep. 2018
dem leeren Honigglas, will ein neues :D
Hey-ya Innocents, Traitors and Detectives,

We’re super stoked to present to you an update for our game mode TTT today! Discover new maps, major changes and minor new stuff in the game. I also want to point out the implementation of many suggestions directly from the Gommunity!


Inventory Sorting:

The first change is something that you’ll come across instantly in the main hub, there you will face a Villager just in front of the sign wall.
Here you can sort your inventory and take your time to have a look at the shops of a Detective and a Traitor.
In the inventory sorting, you can sort all items you can receive through the role assignment and from chests, but not the shop items!
Please note that having these items in the inventory sorting doesn’t mean that you’ll get them in-game as well.

While sorting your inventory, you surely also stumble upon the new investigation file that you receive as a Detective. From now on, you will receive all information about corpses you identified in one book. The days of overflowing inventories are finally over!

Waiting Lobby:

Let’s join the waiting lobby of a game, where you’ll discover the next change after a couple of seconds.
Here you will receive some handy tips and tricks in the chat. Depending on your karma, you’ll get different types of tips.
The statistics also got minor changes. For instance, you can now see your average karma per game and the false positive rate is shown down to two decimal places.
Last, but not least, you will also finde some new achievements. Now, there are also long-term achievements as well as riddle achievements.
For each other achievement, you’ll now see a text telling you what to do.

But since probably no one joins a game just to stay in the waiting lobby, we’ll now go forward quickly to see the changes waiting in-game for you:


We adjusted the prices of some items in the shop. In order to balance the games with 24 players, the shops in these games now have different prices.

But not only the prices have been adjusted. Several items also got some changes:

Radar (Detectives):
Here you can now choose "identified Traitors" as a target since this confused some players in the past. For each Detective, only Traitors they identified by themself with the Random Tester are considered as identified in this sense. Once the information from the Super Identifier is shown in the book of a Detective, the Traitor will be tracked for this Detective as well.

Healing Station:
The Healing Station now starts to heal earlier.

Cloaking Device:
When turning visible again and dealing damage to an opponent, the Cloaking Device will break instantly. Also, you can only have one device in your inventory.

Camouflage Hat:
When using items or triggering the Traitor trap, the Camouflage Hat effect will be removed instantly.

Traitor Detector:
The detector only has a durability of 60 seconds and will break afterwards.

The Swapper now can only be used when standing idle. This should give you a better chance of survival when being swapped.

Innocent Ticket:
The ticket will be redeemed instantly when buying it.

The Ordeal has been reworked entirely. It only creates one explosion instead of the different grenades. It can be bought up to 8 times, each purchase will increase reach and damage of the explosion.

It is now possible to teleport yourself out of the Tester.

The spread of the Minigun due to head movements has been removed.

There is also a new item :

The Smoke Grenade. You can use it to create an impenetrable wall in order to keep your opponent away from you.

However, the following items had to leave TTT:
Rotation Gun
Ice Sword
The reasons for these removals are permanent technical problems and the unpopularity of the items.


In this update, we have a total of 5 new x12 maps for you:


Built by @_SilverPhoenix, @hoffnungen & @Iauch

Built by Buildteam (@Schukoii)

Built by @_SilverPhoenix, @graciexx & @einJqn

Built by @Tim_Stefan_Maria, @zKampfi, @ASMRJonas, @TypischSimon, @by_dragon, @ProxReturns & @_SilverPhoenix

Built by Buildteam (@ItzMarvin23 & @whyyy)

Bug Fixes/Minor Changes:

Last, but not least, there are also plenty of bug fixes and further minor changes. Among other things, you now have an item to join a new game directly.

Now, we wish you lots of fun testing and using the new stuff. You have any further ideas? Feel free to post them to the international forums!

At the end, a huge shout-out goes to RedstoneRaudi for the technical implementation, to iowaniklas for the dedicated support during the update, to all hard-working master-builders for the new maps, to Chronoxomy, DanNick and w4rl0rd for the internationalization of the update, to C3d for the banner and to ImTxm for the map trailer.
Another huge shout-out goes to the community for your great feedback and your suggestions, the game has become what it is today because of you.

Always keep your powder dry!
Your team

@DanNick yaaaa bin Fän :3 hast du tohl übersetzt c:
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Reaktionen: DanNick
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