
MoneyMaker | Summer Event 2024

Written by WorldOfSquirrels

Hey-ya Minecrafters,

It's summer - what does that mean? You want to spend as much time as possible with your friends and just enjoy the nice weather. But sometimes the weather isn't so nice, so MoneyMaker has an answer for indoors: Along with a friend, you can spend time together thanks to two summer event mines. This is the first event mine that can be played by two people working together. Accordingly, the duration has been minimised to two weeks - it runs until 25 August at around 6 pm.

» Event Mines

You can expect the two well-known beach and fruit mines with the usual 30 mining slots. You can access these via the event profile in the profile overview, which is located above the normal profile slots.

As soon as you enter the event profile, everything works as in a normal profile (except that you can only play it with two players and not with four as normal). You start in the beach mine and work your way up until you reach the fruit mine. The aim is to get rich, be the richest and have the most IdleCash. At the end of the event mine, prizes are distributed on this basis, which are explained in more detail below.

As already described, you have until 25/08/2024 to complete the event mine.

» Co-op

Until now, it was not possible to work together on the event mine: this time it is allowed - and even encouraged! Play together with a person of your choice on a profile and fight your way to the top together. To be able to join someone else's event mine, you must not have started your own or you must delete it, as you can only be on one event mine at a time. Otherwise, inviting works in the same way as with normal profiles, except that only one other person can enter the profile and you can only place the event mine in the event slot.

» Lifeguards & Fruits

An important person awaits you in the farming cave: the lifeguard. He offers you an interesting trade that you can't refuse. Collect fruit by killing mobs in the coal level and exchange it for random boosters from the lifeguard. Important: The exchanged boosters can only be redeemed in the event profile. This option can help you to climb up the ranking in the event profile in order to receive better awards and prizes.

» Rewards & Badges

Of course, there are also rewards for this event mine. Every participant who has started the event mine, even briefly, or is simply on the profile of another player, can receive a reward (if placed accordingly). You can see these rewards both for yourself in the profile overview and for other players by right-clicking.

Depending on their ranking, the top 500 will receive further rewards, including a legendary worker. Overview of the rewards:

Reward table
Ranking Badge Rewards
Top 1

Diamond Water Polo

1x legendary worker
1x +100,000% boost for 2 minutes
2x +10,000% boost for 5 minutes
2x +5,000% boost for 10 minutes
2x +2,000% boost for 30 minutes
2x +1.000% boost for 1 hour
3x +500% boost for 4 hours
3x +200% boost for 24 hours
Top 10

Gold Water Polo

1x +10,000% boost for 5 minutes
1x +5,000% boost for 10 minutes
2x +2,000% boost for 30 minutes
2x +1,000% boost for 1 hour
2x +500% boost for 4 hours
2x +200% boost for 24 hours
Top 100

Silver Water Polo

1x +10,000% boost for 5 minutes
1x +2,000% boost for 30 minutes
2x +1,000% boost for 1 hour
2x +500% boost for 4 hours
1x +200% boost for 24 hours
Top 500

Bronze Water Polo

1x +10,000% boost for 5 minutes
1x +2,000% boost for 30 minutes
1x +500% boost for 4 hours
1x +200% boost for 24 hours
Participated Gray Water Polo -

It may take a few more days before the rewards are distributed. In the meantime, you can still enter the event mine and check your progress.

» Event Timer

A timer has been added to the boss bar, which constantly displays how much time you have left for the event. This makes it easier to judge and see at any time whether you need to hurry or can take it easy - depending on your desired ranking.

We hope you like it and wish you lots of fun mining and working together! :)

With kind regards,
Your GommeHD.net Team



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