Don't break the rules.
Respect the other clan members.
Be active in our clan.
Dont break any of the Gomme-Rules.
Make sure VATPUREZ is the only clan you're a part of.
At least 50WINS of the GOMME-SG.
HaveSkype and TeamSpeak3.
Good microfon quality.
Be a nice person in general,
Youre Chances are better when we have
positive experiences with you.
You can play some FFA's with us,
before you apply!
Our TeamSpeak:
Our Clan Resourcepack:
Your InGameName(s):
Your Name:
Your Skype-name:
Do you have premium?:
Link to your Hive-stats:
PvP strengths:
PvP weaknesses:
Your favourite map(s):
In which clans have you been?:
Why do you want to join us?:
[Does not include Trials and Staff-Members]
Our Leaders
B0n3PvP | _iTzViruZz
Our Admins
Our Moderators
Our Members:
Our Trials
▶ Games : 0 ▏Victories : 0 ▏Losses : 0 ▏Pending : 0 ◀
Clan War against us? add bonepvp or sofianvader in Skype!