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20 Feb. 2016
These rules apply together with the General Rules

§1 Validity of these rules
  1. The following rules apply to the Minecraft network and all of its components. They apply together with the general rules.
  2. By joining the Minecraft network, the user accepts these rules, the general rules, as well as all additional rules for each component of the network (ClanWar or Citybuild) and commits themselves to follow them.

§2 Punishments
  1. Possible punishments on top of §2 paragraph 4 of the general rules are:
    • Exclusion from specific game modes
    • Exclusion from the chat of the network
  2. If a user feels like a punishment is unfair, they have the right to to submit a one-time plead for an alleviation or reversal of the punishment via

§3 Behavior in the game
  1. Intentionally playing against your own team (trolling) is forbidden. This includes for example the intentional killing or obstructing of teammates as well as the destruction of your own team's items.
  2. The formation of prohibited teams (teaming) is forbidden. This includes the cooperation across teams (crossteaming). It is evident in the game if a server allows the formation of teams or not.
  3. Repeatedly killing or obstructing other players immediately after respawning with no strategic intent (spawntrapping) is forbidden.
  4. The malicious destruction of buildings by other players (griefing) is forbidden.
  5. Stalling a game intentionally and excessively to your advantage is forbidden. This includes unreasonably staying away from what is happening. If there is a way to win the game, you have to use it.
  6. Killing other players randomly in TTT (random killing) is forbidden. You can find further information here. Refrain from needlessly inflicting damage on a large scale (random damage).
  7. The construction of offensive, inappropriate or insulting structures is forbidden.

§4 Modifications and other tools
  1. Merely joining the network with a forbidden modification is forbidden.
  2. Below is a list of prohibited client modifications for guidance, which may however not be complete in the context of the current rules:
    • Aimbot
    • Automatically equipping armor
    • Hiding or reducing potion and fire effects
    • Tools that increase the click rate, both soft- and hardware (e.g. autoclicker, macros, multiple bindings for the same key). One exception are external tools that only provide a better mouse grip (e.g. Grip Tape).
    • Modifications that display the health of other players (e.g. damage indicator)
    • Derp / headless
    • Changing hitboxes
    • Speeding up events to your advantage (e.g. fast fall, fast place, fast respawn)
    • Fly / glide
    • Automatically attacking (e.g. killaura, forcefield)
    • Freecam (360° viewer)
    • Automatically sorting, reordering, or removing items from chests as well as inventories (e.g. inventory tweaks)
    • Automatically detecting items which are in possession of other players (e.g. ItemDetector, NoSpecMod)
    • Modifications that make it possible to sneak while sprinting or having the chat or inventory open
    • Modifications that analyze the game to provide an advantage (e.g. display of all players that used the tester in TTT)
    • Modifications that show the position of players, mobs or other entities while they are not visible (e.g. minimaps with radar or nametags for sneaking players)
    • Modifications that control the client automatically (e.g. moving, turning, placing blocks, or breaking them)
    • Changing knockback
    • No slowdown
    • Any suppression of damage or hunger
    • Pingspoofing
    • Accelerating regeneration
    • Resourcepacks that reveal the specific enchantment of armor pieces and weapons (e.g. with different enchantment colors)
    • Displaying the time before a sheep explodes in BedWars
    • Automatically activating or deactivating skin layers (e.g. skin blinker)
    • Speed
    • Teleportation
    • Walking on water
    • X-ray as well as highlighting specific blocks or chests (e.g. as a modification or resource pack)
  3. The use of VR headsets or similar hardware is neither supported nor recommended by us. If you use them with the software, it needs to be ensured that there is no forbidden advantage. Using that software is at your own risk.

§5 Other guidelines
  1. By joining the network, the user acknowledges the Minecraft EULA ( and promises to abide by it.
  2. Joining the network with accounts that stem from account lists is forbidden. This includes for example compromised and publicly available accounts as well as so-called alt accounts.
  3. Repeatedly joining and leaving as a premium or supremium player to kick non-premium players is forbidden.
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Reaktionen: KeksBlau und Mihihi
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